Air Force IA, Army IA, Education, Information Assurance, Navy IA

Cyber Awareness Challenge 2018 [Training]

cyber awareness challenge 3.0
UpdateD 10/10/2017

The DISA Cyber Awareness Challenge 2018 is now available!!

This training replaces the previous Cyber Awareness Challenge Version 4.0! This one was updated last week. We are sorry for the late post!

This revised version of Cyber Awareness Challenge provides enhanced guidance for online conduct and proper use of information technology by DoD personnel. This training simulates the decisions that DoD information system users make every day as they perform their work.

Rather than using a narrative format, the Challenge presents cybersecurity and information systems security (ISS) awareness instructional topics through first-person simulations and mini-game challenges that allow the user to practice and review cybersecurity concepts in an interactive manner.

The introduction explains that information system users are responsible for protecting sensitive and classified information, as well as the information system on which this information resides. In the introduction, users are presented with the types of decisions they are expected to make throughout the Challenge and the consequences of their decisions in the scoring mechanisms.

As a user makes these situational decisions, the user is introduced to threats associated with spyware, malicious code, phishing, identity theft, and the insider threat, as well as what to do when encountering classified or sensitive documents on the Internet. Users experience the importance of maintaining information security situational awareness when out of a secure area.

Users learn security concepts they need to practice in their daily routine at work while teleworking, and on their home systems. An optional version of this training is available for Intelligence Community (IC) member use and includes modules covering Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) procedures and working in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF). (Length – Approximately 1 hr 15 min)

Visit the link here:


  1. Avatar for dodiatraininghq

    Paul Schaubhut

    Does the 2018 version of the Cyber Awareness Challenge IMMEDIATELY take the place of Version-4 or when the version 4 certifications expire? Where and what is guidance on this change?

  2. Avatar for dodiatraininghq


    maybe it’s me or the link is not working

  3. Avatar for dodiatraininghq

    Terry Henkle


    We’re looking for a General User Training program.

  4. Avatar for dodiatraininghq


    I took the challenge but couldn’t find out how to print my certificate? Then it kicked me out. Now what do I do to retrieve my certificate?

    • Avatar for dodiatraininghq

      Juan Ferreira

      That happened to me, on our cheat sheet it states if this happens we may have to take it all over. I am not a happy camper either.

  5. Avatar for dodiatraininghq

    Ken Bruner

    Does this training supersede the DOD-IAA-V13.0 training ?

  6. Avatar for dodiatraininghq

    George Dew

    Is there a test for this training? How are test scores and certificates retrieved?
    Test scores, certificates and AUPs are need for account creation.

  7. Avatar for dodiatraininghq


    I completed the DoD Cyber Awareness Challenge training on 3/12/2018. But when I login on 3/14/2018 to take the test the system is not allowing me to go directly to the test.

  8. Avatar for dodiatraininghq


    Do you still need to take the test to get the Army cert, and if so, how do you get to it now?

  9. Avatar for dodiatraininghq

    Elizabeth Watkins

    I have a requirement to complete Annual IA Awareness Training.

    Can you please direct me to the right course that will meet this requirement?

    Thank you.

  10. Avatar for dodiatraininghq


    Now my personnel are getting a message from TWMS that Version 5 is the most current version of DOD/DISA I/A training? When did that become required?

  11. Avatar for dodiatraininghq

    tee vann

    This does not list that it is version 5 on the certificate of completion. Why is that?

  12. Avatar for dodiatraininghq

    Lee Monroe

    Does this replace the Annual DoD Cyber Awareness Challenge (V 4.0Training) that was issued online through U.S Army Signal Center, given at Fort Gordon, Ga?

  13. Avatar for dodiatraininghq


    how long does the cyber awareness certificate good for? Base on the norms, its is a yearly requirement. I have an agency who does not one to give me access because it does not state 2019, I took the training in 2018. guidance on the regulation would be helpful

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